💡 6 Tipps: Stresslevel senken I Ergonomischer Bürostuhl

Active chair against stress: How exercise lowers stress levels

Veröffentlicht am von Thomas Riegler

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Stress - an everyday companion in our lives. But how does stress arise and what effect does prolonged sitting have on it?


Mental stress from sitting - when the stress becomes too much

How can you counteract stress?

Bergardi active chairs: your solution for an active workplace


In our hectic world, stress and a sedentary lifestyle have become the norm. While stress affects our daily lives and can be harmful in many ways, what is often overlooked is how closely it is linked to our sitting behavior.

In this blog post, we look at the link between stress and prolonged sitting and how we can improve our lifestyles to reduce stress and improve our wellbeing! We also show active chairs that can have a positive impact on your stress levels.

Mental stress from sitting - when the stress becomes too much


Wenn der Stress zu viel wird


🔍Studies show that sitting for more than 42 hours a week increases your risk of mental illness by 31%. (Wirtschaftswoche)

🔍A lack of exercise often leads to a bad mood, lack of motivation and tiredness.

🔍Mental strain, such as stress, leads to states of tension. These can both trigger and exacerbate neck and back complaints.

🔍Stress affects the biomechanics of the spine and often leads to tense muscles, which in turn lead to pain.

There is a way out: more exercise.

Mehr Bewegung mit einem Bergardi-Stuhl

With the Bergardi chair, more movement can be achieved in everyday life


Activity promotes the release of endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones. It also reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which relaxes the body and improves mood. Exercise also helps to reduce tension and calm the mind - this lowers stress levels overall.

Our bodies are not made for static sitting. We need several phases of movement throughout the day in order to be able to work productively and with pleasure.

Do you sit for long periods yourself? The active-dynamic office chairs from Bergardi bring momentum into your everyday life and ensure movement, even while sitting.

How can you counteract stress?

  1. Recognizing and overcoming stress triggers is the first step.
  2. Time management can help you stay on top of things.
  3. Relaxation techniques such as meditation or progressive muscle relaxation are helpful.
  4. Regular deep breathing promotes your ability to relax.
  5. A balanced diet supports your immune system and your general happiness.
  6. Create a balance through exercise. Get up regularly, do fitness exercises, strength and endurance sports or simply sit on a Bergardi chair.


Bergardi active chairs: your solution for an active workplace


Bergardi active chairs: your solution for an active workplace

Our active-dynamic Bergardi office chairs are the solution for your active workplace. These innovative chairs offer movement, stability and promote blood circulation.


✅ Active sitting on a Bergardi chair strengthens your circulation and promotes blood flow. It has a positive effect on your performance and ability to concentrate and reduces stress.

The dynamic sitting position not only activates your body, but also your mind, keeping you energized and focused.

Thanks to the active sitting position, Bergardi chairs prevent one-sided strain and promote the health of your spine. Their special design strengthens the muscles and ensures that your intervertebral discs are supplied with nutrients.


Conclusion: A better future in the workplace

Your mental health is crucial to working stress-free and productively. The link between stress, movement and an active workplace is undeniable. Bergardi active chairs offer an effective solution to combat the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle while boosting your mental health.

Investing in a Bergardi active chair is not only a contribution to improving your health, but also to increasing your work performance and well-being. It's time to give your body and mind the support they deserve. Work stress-free and stay active!


✅ Take the first step towards a better future at work - try out a Bergardi active chair and experience the positive changes for yourself.

✅ Be worth it for your health and well-being and say goodbye to stress while sitting actively and dynamically at your desk. Your body and mind will thank you for it!

✅ You deserve a working environment that promotes your health and well-being. Choose Bergardi active chairs and work stress-free, full of energy and in top form.


Our culture of sitting is becoming more and more entrenched and is increasingly influencing our health. Movement is the cornerstone for making sitting more bearable and healthier. Bergardi's aim is to use active chairs to improve the quality of life of people who sit slowly.




    Öffentliches Gesundheitsportal Gesundheit GV (2023), Stress – Was ist das?

    Zentrum der Gesundheit (2021), „Langes Sitzen macht krank“

    Zentrum der Gesundheit (2023), „Langes Sitzen macht krank“

    Welche Hormone werden bei Stress freigesetzt?

    Bei Stress werden unter anderem die Hormone Cortisol und Adrenalin freigesetzt.

    Was ist ein sitzender Lebensstil?

    Ein sitzender Lebensstil bezeichnet eine Lebensweise, die durch überwiegendes Sitzen und wenig körperliche Aktivität gekennzeichnet ist. Mit einem sitzenden Lebensstil wird der Großteil des Tages in einer sitzenden Position verbracht. Beispielsweise bei der Arbeit, beim Fernsehen, Lesen oder Essen. Dieses Sedentary Behavior kann zu einer Vielzahl von Gesundheitsproblemen führen, darunter Rückenschmerzen, Muskelverspannungen, Übergewicht, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen oder Diabetes Mellitus Typ 2. Es ist wichtig, regelmäßige Bewegung in den Alltag zu integrieren und längeres Sitzen zu unterbrechen, um die negativen Auswirkungen eines sitzenden Lebensstils zu minimieren und die Gesundheit zu erhalten. Ebenso ist das Sitzen in einer ergonomischen und stabilen Haltung Voraussetzung, um körperlichen Beschwerden entgegenzuwirken.

    Testsieger ergonomischer Bürostuhl: Bergardi

    Die Bergardi Aktivstühle sind die Testsieger unter den ergonomischen Bürostühlen in Österreich und Deutschland. Dank ihrer ergonomischen Gestaltung und ihrer aktiv-dynamischen Beweglichkeit setzen sie neue Maßstäbe in Bezug auf Funktionalität und Gesundheit im Sitzen. Die Bergardi Aktivstühle bieten eine dynamische Sitzmöglichkeit, die die Wirbelsäule entlastet und dem Körper freie Beweglichkeit ermöglicht. Zahlreiche Tests und Bewertungen bestätigen die herausragende Qualität und Wirksamkeit der Bergardi Aktivstühle. Die Bergardi-Modelle wurden in einer klinisch unabhängigen Studie geprüft und haben signifikante Effekte bei der Reduzierung von Rückenschmerzen und Müdigkeit im Alltag gezeigt. Zudem sind sie vom Aktion gesunder Rücken zertifiziert.

    Was hilft gegen Stress?

    Bewegung, einen Ausgleich finden, gesunde und ausgewogene Ernährung

    The Bergardi active chairs
    The Bergardi stools stimulate blood circulation and support hormone and cell production to reduce stress levels

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    Avatar Thomas Riegler
    Thomas Riegler first completed a bachelor's degree in project management and product marketing before specializing in the field of market and consumer research. His passion for health and exercise is reflected in 9 years of strength and endurance sports and his research into sports nutrition, such as the amino acid profile of wild herbs. As co-founder of Bergardi, he is committed to helping people move more actively and healthily through everyday life. With the EY-Scale-up Bronze Award and the title of "Linz Company of the Year", Bergardi 2023 has already received several important awards.

    Your fitness professional

    Bergardi - Product selection

    Aurelia Saddle Chair
    Aurelia Saddle Chair
    • stable
    • versatile
    • elegant
    • starting at
    • €835,62
    Aurelius Ergo chair
    Ergostuhl Aurelius Kunstleder schwarz
    Aurelius Ergo chair
    • Active
    • Ergonomic
    • Comfortable
    • starting at
    • €971,58

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