Bergardi - moving through everyday life
Actively train your back while sitting
Bergardi - moving through everyday life
Known from
Bewege deine Hüften und wirke Rückenschmerzen entgegen
Unsere patentierte Smart-Moving-Technologie gleicht alle Beckenbewegungen zur Mitte aus und versetzt deinen Rücken in ein angenehmes Training.
Du führst die Bewegungen nur durch, wenn du dein Becken bewegst, das heißt, du gibst deinen Bewegungsrhythmus selbst vor.
Durch die ergonomischen Sitzflächen und die anpassbare Lordosenstütze können die Bewegungen ganz gezielt im Bereich der Lendenwirbelsäule durchgeführt werden.
New Work: healthy and active sitting
Why active sitting is important
physical fitness
Mental fitness
The daily portion of exercise
Cognitive performance
Modern workplace
Muskeln entspannen
Balancing the rigid daily routine
New Work fair
Alternative zu herkömmliche Bürostühlen
- 40 percent of Europeans already suffer regularly from back or lower back problems. This makes back pain the number one widespread disease. With the movements of the Bergardi chairs, you are already taking preventative action against these complaints
- 30 percent of the population suffers from mental illness. Lack of exercise is one of the main reasons for this. Source: Ärzteblatt
- Every year, over 3 million people worldwide die from lack of exercise. Active-dynamic sitting promotes physical fitness
- Constant movement promotes blood circulation and helps to supply the brain with nutrients
- Active-dynamic chairs are essential for the design of the modern workplace. Only around 18 percent of Europeans have an ergonomic workstation
- Das aktive Training auf den Bergardi-Stühlen regt die Tiefenmuskulatur im Rückenbereich an, ernährt die Bandscheiben und sorgt für Entspannung nach dem Aufstehen!
- People now spend over 70 percent of their day sitting. With Bergardi chairs, you can counteract the lack of movement in a dynamic way
- Ergonomic and active office chairs are crucial for New Work in order to promote the health and productivity of seated workers. Sitting in motion on a Bergardi office chair can preventively reduce back and disc problems. The ergonomic design supports an upright posture and improves physical well-being.
- Static office chairs usually offer little movement. The active-dynamic Bergardi chairs enable active and healthy sitting for the first time, making Bergardi the best alternative to static office chairs. Up to 1000 meters can be covered per day in a seated position.
Activity and ergonomics combined in one chair

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Bergardi - A healthy sitting experience
The ergonomic office chairs from Bergardi
Active back training
Train your back by performing dynamic movements. Bergardi can be used as a preventative measure against back and intervertebral disc problems
New Work: A healthy workplace
The active movements promote your blood circulation and the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain. Die ergonomischen Bürostühle sind im Zeichen von New Work entwickelt worden und bringen Gesundheit auch an deinen Arbeitsplatz
Bergardi: Made in D-A-CH
Our patented pendulum mechanism made of die-cast aluminum is produced in Switzerland and has been developed over 5 years with ergonomics experts.
Tested and recommended by experts
The Bergardi chairs were tested by a jury of 12 experts from the German Campaign for Healthier Backs (AGR) and classified as back-friendly. The independent Bergardi study confirms the pain relief for back problems and the reduction of fatigue while sitting.
Your fitness coach - all day long!

Results of a clinical examination
The independent Bergardi study
up to 36 %
Less fatigue in everyday life
up to 66 %
Up to 66% less pain in the lower back
Bergardi - More movement in the SItzen is not possible
Advantages over other active-dynamic chairs

Your unique back training
Im Vergleich zu anderen aktiv-dynamischen Stühlen arbeitet Bergardi nicht nach dem Sitzball-, sondern nach dem Pendelprinzip. Work your spine evenly and train your deep muscles. You will feel the first effects after just a short period of sitting!
Find out more about the sitting ball effect hier.
Swing through the day with joy
Our bodies are not made for static sitting. We need to move throughout the day in order to work productively and with pleasure

Sit in an upright posture for a long time
Our chairs have been developed to be permanently stable. Unergonomic sitting? No way!
Aktivstühle für gesundes Arbeiten
Einstellen an den Körper
Stelle die Sitzhöhe und die Rückenlehne an deine Bedürfnisse ein.
Die Smart Moving Technologie trainiert deinen Rücken aktiv.
Gesundheitliche Effekte
Die Aktivität reduziert Rückenschmerzen und Müdigkeit im Alltag.
Besseres Wohlbefinden
Profitiere von einer besseren Arbeitsqualität und mehr Wohlbefinden
Du willst deine Fitness stärken?
Dann bleib erstmal sitzen!

Beta testers
Our Avantgardes
Swipe through the feedback from our Avantgardes and be inspired by their seating experience.
Sitting has become more dynamic, resulting in more dimensions of movement. The center of the body is not blocked, but remains flexible.
Yana Vereshchaga
Apart from the fact that it noticeably strengthens my lumbar muscles, the Bergardi is the best "ice-breaker" to loosen up the conversation during dull office meetings!
Florian Holzmayer
Sitting is the new smoking! As most of us at Ubitec sit in front of a computer screen, we try to provide our employees with sufficient variety and a comfortable and healthy sitting position by using height-adjustable desks and different ergonomic chairs.
Martina Kukulka
Great lively feeling, does not tire and yet is a secure feeling when sitting. The chair adapts to every movement.
Birgit König
At 4metrics we tried out the first Bergardi chairs for several weeks and are delighted with them. Back problems after a long day at work are now a thing of the past.
Florian Latifi
Working has never felt so energetic.
Uwe Marschner
Thanks to the constant movement on the Bergardi, I feel more balanced and can concentrate on my work for longer. As I quickly got used to the movement, I immediately notice the difference in quality compared to "conventional" chairs.
Thomas Aichinger
I spend many hours in the office and can keep my body moving with Bergardi. The upright sitting position and the fact that I can actively move my body throughout the day is simply brilliant!
Manuel Plank
The unique sitting experience is extremely relaxing and comfortable - Bergardi is a kind of memory aid for me to stay active in the office.
Johannes Sailer
Surfing cheerfully through everyday life, an essential feature in my job of cutting hair. The creative output remains the same throughout the day. Flexibility on several levels!
Haarschneider Franz
Made for movement
Areas of application
Accompanies you through your everyday office life
Support even for precise movements
Our moving blog
Find out more about active-dynamic sitting

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Rückenschmerzen unterer Rücken
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Gymnastikball während der Schwangerschaft
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Hocker oder Stuhl – Was ist besser?
Ein ergonomischer Bürohocker oder Sitzhocker kann deine Sitzhaltung revolutionieren. Während ein klassischer Bürostuhl Stabilität und Komfort bietet, fördert ein Hocker durch seine minimalistische Bauweise aktives Sitzen. Besonders in Kombination mit...
Hocker oder Stuhl – Was ist besser?
Ein ergonomischer Bürohocker oder Sitzhocker kann deine Sitzhaltung revolutionieren. Während ein klassischer Bürostuhl Stabilität und Komfort bietet, fördert ein Hocker durch seine minimalistische Bauweise aktives Sitzen. Besonders in Kombination mit...

Orthopädischer Stuhl für gesundes Sitzen
Durch ergonomisches Sitzen werden Rückenschmerzen gelindert, die Haltung verbessert und die Produktivität gesteigert. In diesem Blog erfährst du, was orthopädische Stühle sind, wie sie sich von herkömmlichen Bürostühlen unterscheiden und...
Orthopädischer Stuhl für gesundes Sitzen
Durch ergonomisches Sitzen werden Rückenschmerzen gelindert, die Haltung verbessert und die Produktivität gesteigert. In diesem Blog erfährst du, was orthopädische Stühle sind, wie sie sich von herkömmlichen Bürostühlen unterscheiden und...
If you still have questions ...
How do I sit correctly?
The ideal position has an open hip angle of up to 130° to relieve the back muscles and spine and improve circulation in the legs and hips. The higher the sitting angle, the better for our body. It is important that the upright posture is combined with varied movements.
What products are available from Bergardi?
We have developed active-dynamic saddle and ergonomic chairs that bring more movement into your everyday life. This can counteract problems such as lack of movement and deep-seated complaints in the spine and intervertebral disc area
What are ergonomic office chairs?
Ergonomic office chairs are developed to improve health in the workplace. They promote an upright and healthy sitting posture to counteract back pain and other complaints. Adjustment options such as seat height and depth adjustment are important. A lumbar support is also important to stabilize the back. The ergonomic and active Bergardi chairs move the lower body comprehensively and activate the back.
Which is the healthiest office chair?
The Aurelia saddle chair from Bergardi is the healthiest option for sitting at work. Thanks to the large seat angle of up to 135 degrees, the natural posture of the body is supported and the strain on the hips and back is reduced. The integrated movement function also promotes an active and comfortable sitting posture that strengthens the pelvis and prevents back pain. The Bergardi saddle chair therefore offers an ideal combination of comfort and health at the workplace.
Are the products tested?
All products are certified with the AGR seal. The AGR (Campaign for Healthy Backs) seal was awarded by a committee of experts and confirms the back-promoting effect of our seating furniture.
How do I sit on a Bergardi chair correctly?
Sit on your Bergardi chair facing the mechanism. Adjust the seat height so that you sit at an angle of around 90° on the Aurelius ergonomic chair and between 100° and 135° on the Aurelia saddle chair. This is the best way to relieve the strain on your spine.
What is the difference between a Bergardi chair and an exercise ball?
In contrast to an exercise ball, you sit in a Bergardi chair in a stable sitting position and put even strain on your spine. While the back muscles become overstressed after just a few hours of sitting on an exercise ball, you can sit on a Bergardi chair all day long. Furthermore, the head always remains straight when moving around on a Bergardi chair, allowing you to work without restriction.
Where can I find technical details about Bergardi products?
We have explained the necessity of our chairs in our blog „We sit active-stable-dynamic" explained. The exact dimensions and colors can be found on our product page. You can find further technical details here.
What payment methods are available at Bergardi?
In our online store you can pay with Visa, Mastercard and Maestro credit cards, with Klarna Sofort and Paypal.